Happy New Year! 2014 – 2015 Updates: and more Updates

A lot has happened since I last posted.

I broke my wrist right after my Birthday in June 2013. Then Hubby died right after I got out of the hospital. (Just try giving CPR with your arm in a splint and sling!) The bank closed Hubby’s account, cutting off all the auto-pays on the account and I got a flurry of bills I had no backup of what or if I really owed. Hubby’s office was in such a mess I had to pay someone to clean it out. Important receipts and papers were never found. I couldn’t find the files on his computer. Excel hates me.

I have been walking around in a fog until recently. After the smoke cleared I was able to get out again, find a church, friends and join Overeaters Anonymous 2014.

Thanks to the 12-Step Overeaters Anonymous program I have gradually lost 25 pounds! The secret to my success is my Higher Power, my support group, OA literature, my sponsor and following the 12 steps. 🙂 I know, through OA, that I turned to food for comfort to the point that it became a drug. I am learning to eat in moderation and abstain from addictive foods ie: containing sugar and/or flour.

Am I addicted to food? Hehe, aren’t we all? 😀

Goal #3 ~ Stick with Overeaters Anonymous!

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